- Large Vanilla cupcake decorated with icing from €3.95 each
- Large Vanilla cupcake decorated with icing from €3.95 each.
- Large Vanilla cupcake decorated with icing from €3.95 each.
- G7 cake from €145 + figurine extra if available p.o.a.+ small cupcakes €3.25 each
- Large Vanilla cupcake cake decorated with icing from €4.50 each.
- from €365+ from €5 per cupcake
- Large Vanilla cupcake decorated with icing from €3.95 each
- Large Vanilla cupcake decorated with icing from €3.95 each.
- Large Vanilla cupcake decorated with icing from €3.95 each
- Handmade Model of baby €5.
- Large Vanilla cupcakes from €4.50 each + model of baby €5.